
You are a charitable organisation, a business company or a private individual : Grillen‘s Brewery can provide you (free of charge) a draft beer appliance and reusable cups that allow you to have your own beer on tap at home, just like you would have in our brewpub (within the limits of available stocks).

How it works :

  1. Book in advance a Tap
  2. Select your beer in the list (30 Liters keg)
  3. Collect your order
  4. Take a beer and loosen up!

Please contact us for price and booking information.

Growler : Interested in bulk beer ?

Grillen‘s Brewery has what you are looking for!

We can offer you the opportunity of bringing back home 2 Liters of draft beer by using a reusable container. All you have to do is select a beer from our list and every now and then stop by our brewpub for a refill.


Brasserie du Grillen